

Hello there! 

Welcome to my little blog, I do hope you can stay a while (preferably with a cup of tea in hand!)

My name is Lydia and I'm a 23 year old English graduate from London. My greatest love is literature, and I can more often than not be found persusing the aisles of antique bookshops, or with my head buried in a Victorian classic. I love Laduree macaroons, peter pan collars, rainy afternoons listening to my Robert's radio and Sunday spins in my Morris Minor.

This is an online journal to share with all you lovely folk my ramblings and musings, some of my illustrations, and generally a space for all of life's little pleasures.


  1. Lydia this is so beautifully written! Jess and I are chuckling at the way this totally sums you up! Lovely blog! Keep up the fabulous work girly!

    1. Thank you Emma, I really appreciate your support and so glad you like it so far! Your blog is looking beautiful - loving the new additions! xxx
